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The term "engi" is an abbreviation of "innenshoki," which means the arising of relationships and connections. Even in our daily lives, the term "engi" that we often use is an abbreviation. It signifies that everything arises from causes and conditions. When we say something is "engi ga ii" (brings good luck), it refers to a situation where something good is likely to happen, or when we see a sign indicating such. In jewelry, various motifs considered to bring good luck are available, including those deemed as "engi ga ii" at Jewelry Kasuga.



ジュエリー春日「蛇 シリーズ」

=蛇の縁起 =

蛇は古くから豊穣神、天候神として信仰の対象とされてきました。 これは脱皮をするヘビは「復活と再生」を連想し、不老長寿や強い生命力につながる縁起のいい動物と考えられていたことが理由のひとつとしてあげられます。 また、蛇は餌を食べなくても生きながらえるため、「神の使い」として崇められてきました。


The Symbolism of Snakes

Snakes have long been revered as symbols of fertility and weather deities. This is partly due to the snake's ability to shed its skin, symbolizing "resurrection and regeneration," leading to the belief that it is an auspicious creature associated with eternal youth, longevity, and strong vitality. Additionally, snakes, capable of surviving without food, have been venerated as "messengers of the gods."

In Japan, snakes are believed to be the messengers of Benzaiten, or even her incarnation, and are considered creatures linked to financial fortune. Dreaming of a snake is said to bring good luck, and in Japan, it is believed that placing a snake's shed skin in your wallet can increase your financial luck.




When a snake appears, this is usually interpreted as a sign that good luck is just around the corner.

In particular, when a snake moves peacefully or is hunting, it seems to indicate that new opportunities, possibilities, and abundance are approaching. This could relate to work, finances, or health. If you have been thinking about starting something new or facing a major decision recently, the appearance of a snake could be seen as a message to move forward positively.







風水には「青龍」「白虎」「朱雀」「玄武」の4神をはじめ、たくさんの吉祥動物のアイテムがいます。 その多くが想像獣ですが、なかでも龍は特別な存在として大事にされています。


龍 は架空の生きものではありますが、力強く空を飛ぶ生きものとして古くから「運気上昇」「生命力」の象徴とされてきました。 また、鯉が龍に変身するという逸話から「鯉から龍に出世する」として出世運に良いともされています司ると考えられてきたためです。

Dragon Symbolism in Japan

The dragon was introduced to Japan from ancient China around the end of the Yayoi period. It is said that the dragon represents the shape of the Japanese archipelago, and Japan has long been considered a mysterious land where dragons dwell.

The dragon is a symbol of the highest level of good fortune in feng shui. In feng shui, there are items representing the four gods - Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise - along with many auspicious animals. While many of these are mythical creatures, the dragon is particularly revered.

The dragon is believed to bring the energy of the sun, protection, and economic prosperity. Despite being a mythical creature, the dragon has long been regarded as a symbol of "rising luck" and vitality, known for its powerful flight through the skies. Additionally, due to the legend of carp transforming into dragons, the saying "ascending from carp to dragon" is associated with career advancement and good fortune.



  • 全てのエネルギーの源と言われているので全ての運気上昇に良い

  • 龍は鯉が出世した姿なので出世に良い

  • 昇龍は上昇を意味する

  • 降龍は幸福を届けると言われている

  • 青龍は青春を意味し、可能性に満ちた生命力を象徴する

  • 手に持つ如意宝珠は色んな願いを叶えてくれる



Why is the dragon considered a lucky charm?


  • It is said to be the source of all energy, hence beneficial for all aspects of luck

  • The dragon is a symbol of success as the transformed form of a carp

  • The rising dragon symbolizes ascension

  • The descending dragon is believed to bring happiness

  • The azure dragon represents youth and symbolizes a life force filled with potential

  • The wish-fulfilling jewel it holds can grant various desires


In essence, it seems that all aspects of luck are enhanced, so if you are unsure which lucky charm to choose, the dragon appears to be a favorable option.


ー「龍」と「竜」のちがい ー

意味に違いはなく「竜」は「龍」の略字です。「恐竜は恐龍とは書かないよ」と言う方もいるかもしれません。実は、中国語で恐竜は「恐龍(kong long)」と言います。漢字が日本に来て簡単になっただけのようです。

ー 龍の爪の本数 ー






貔貅(ひきゅう)とは、龍の子といわれ、金銀財宝を主食とする中国神話の獣神で財運アップに絶大な効果を持つとされています。 貔貅はお尻の穴がないので、財を蓄えると信じられています。 口に紙幣をくわえさせるとより大きなパワーを発揮するといわれています。


貔貅は財運の中でも特に賭け事・ギャンブルなどによる蓄財に効果があると言われています。 風水最高のラッキーアイテムの一つと云われております。

The Auspicious Symbol of Pixiu

Pixiu, known as the offspring of the dragon, is a mythical creature in Chinese mythology that feeds on gold, silver, and treasures. It is believed to have a significant effect on enhancing wealth luck. Pixiu is thought to accumulate wealth because it does not have an anus. It is said to exert even greater power when fed with paper money in its mouth.

In Chinese tradition, it is believed that touching Pixiu once brings good luck, touching it twice enhances wealth luck, and touching it three times leads to career advancement. It has been highly regarded, especially among business people, since ancient times.

Pixiu is said to be particularly effective in accumulating wealth through gambling and other financial ventures. It is considered as one of the top Feng Shui lucky items.

貔貅は家の中の適切な位置に置いて、四方の金運と意外な所からの財を持ってくることができるといわれています。 そして貔貅(ひきゅう)は家の中の運気を変え、好運は強化し、邪気は追い払い、殺気を妨げ、家の魔除けの効果を持って、家の中の守護神になってくれるといわれています

The Pixiu is said to bring wealth from all directions and unexpected sources when placed in the appropriate position in the house. Additionally, the Pixiu is believed to alter the energy in the house, enhancing good luck, dispelling negative energy, obstructing harmful energy, and acting as a talisman for the home, becoming the guardian deity within the house.








Rabbit Symbolism

Rabbits have a deep connection with the moon, as the moon (tsuki) is considered to bring good luck and fortune, hence rabbits are seen as auspicious animals. Moreover, a full moon symbolizes harmony, and a moon shining in gold is said to symbolize an increase in financial luck.

Rabbits are known for their speed, and because the kanji for "rabbit" (兎) resembles that of "avoid" (免), it is believed that they can help avoid disasters, bad luck, and negative energies. In America, a rabbit's foot is also considered an amulet and a charm against evil spirits.

Due to their high fertility and prosperity, rabbits are associated with blessings of offspring and easy childbirth. It is said that some people visit shrines that enshrine rabbits to pray for safe childbirth and the prosperity of their descendants.


=フクロウ 縁起=






Owls and Good Fortune

Owls with their cute round eyes are actually considered as birds that bring good luck around the world. Did you know that owls appear in various myths from around the world?

For example, in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and strategy, Athena, is accompanied by an owl. Therefore, it is believed that owls possess the same power as the goddess and are bestowed with her protection.

In ancient Egypt, the god of wisdom, Thoth, depicted with the form of an owl, is still revered today.

In Japan, owls have been considered auspicious symbols due to their name meanings such as "no hardships," "fortune and joy," and "aging with abundance."

Furthermore, while in some cultures being in debt is associated with the phrase "unable to turn one's head," owls, known for their ability to turn their heads almost 360 degrees, are considered symbols of good luck, as they are believed to prevent financial troubles.

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